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Win on in a sentence

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Sentence count:30Posted:2018-10-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: winowin overnew wine in old bottleswinnowingin onin onepinotminor
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1. They've had a big win on the football pools.
2. The win on the pools was a real bonus.
3. "I'll be astonished if I win on Sunday," laughed Lyle.
4. After his win on the football pools, he began spending money like there was no tomorrow.
5. A win on Saturday will assure them of promotion to Division One.
6. The manager said that the team's win on Saturday would be a spur to even greater effort this season.
7. Whitaker will throw enough punches to win on points.
8. David Rennie earned Birmingham their fourth win on the trot with his first goal for the club.
9. And, of course, you can win on both counts if you pick a top-paying offshore account.
10. That was his best chance to win on his own.
11. In 2010, Poulter claimed his first win on US soil, the WGC-Accenture Match Play Championship in Arizona(, and followed it up with victory at the UBS Hong Kong Open.
12. We can win on the road. We won in L . A . in . We won in Detroit.
13. Even the Nets noticed the Lakers'ability to win on a subpar night by Bryant.
14. How often am I likely to win on the football pools?
15. A win on Sunday will ensure a sweet return home.
16. That's why it's so rare to win on a long shot.
17. It was Korea's first ever World Cup finals win on foreign soil.
18. Mike always tries to win on points when he is in the boxing ring.
19. He has conducted a campaign, full knowing his Cabinet post was in jeopardy whether or not the Conservatives win on Thursday.
20. Darren Biggs hit the 50 mark for the season with his win on Iommelli at Sandown yesterday.
21. He deserves a chance to prove that he is ready to win on the major-league level.
22. But Schuey was in top form and the triple world beater always looked odds-on to score his fifth win on the trot.
23. Meanwhile, Stuart Easton waited until the final round of the year to score his maiden win on the Vimto Honda 125.
24. Everyone wins some and loses some, but the losers can always win on the next issue.
24. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
25. Many have blamed what they termed an inability to win on an inability to hit more than one shape of shot.
26. A basketball lifer, Jerry was as relentless in his will to win on the sidelines for the Utah Jazz as he was as an All-Star guard for the Chicago Bulls.
27. PADOVA - Adriano Galliani stated this right after the first win on the road of the season: 'They said that we were cursed because we could not win afternoon matches.
28. Gharib will certainly start as one of the favourites to win on Sunday.
29. Many will simply decide to create a non-dimmable or TRIAC dimmable LED fixture and win on cost.
30. You just need to quinella 7 Board Game of the game can win on.
More similar words: winowin overnew wine in old bottleswinnowingin onin onepinotminorpinonin one wayvinokinolinopin onaminoall-in-onequinonerhinogain onminorsminosbe in onvinousspin-offmaginotthin outmerinospin offspin outrain out
Total 30, 30 Per page  1/1 
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